Our Programs

Our Program is based upon the ‘Early Years Learning Framework’, the national early childhood curriculum in which the daily program and activities are driven by the children’s interests, strengths and needs. Educators are encouraged to move away from pre-planned programs to planning more spontaneously and provide playful experiences and child-centred learning activities in response to these interests, strengths and needs. To do this most effectively, our role as educators is very much one of observing, listening to and interacting with children as well as regular communication with families in order to gain a more in-depth and holistic understanding of each child. We always value families’ input, ideas and suggestions for their child’s experience at kindy and use the online platform Xplor Playground for daily communication with families.

About Xplor Playground

This online app based platform allows us to program for and document children’s learning as well as communicate effectively with families. Xplor Playground essentially acts as an online portfolio system, providing us with a more environmentally-friendly form of documentation – a personal long standing goal objective of our Sustainability Policy.

Xplor Playround allows us to better involve families in the programming and documentation of their child’s learning and development throughout their time at Kindy. Daily photo-filled newsletters show families all of the playful activities and learning experiences their child has been involved in each day.
There is also a section for individual portfolios where individual and group observations of each child are collected to create a record of their learning, development and growth throughout their year at Kindy. Families are always invited to share their thoughts or any ideas to extend their child’s experiences through the user-friendly comment boxes. Families are also encouraged to share their experiences outside Kindy – family outings, special events, holidays etc. - by posting photos and/or stories onto their child’s individual portfolio.

About the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)

The framework for the curriculum is based upon the following beliefs and understandings:

     The curriculum goals focus on:

     …so that the children can become confident, self directing and continuous learners who are well equipped to handle both themselves and society.